Spotify: How to Enable Offline Playback on Apple Watch

The Spotify app for Apple Watch or wearable that reduces dependence on the iPhone arrived in November last year. While the ability to play Spotify directly from Apple Watch even offline was announced in May of this year, it has been gradual. It is now active and available to an increasing number of users. Here’s how to find and activate it.

How to Enable Spotify Offline Playback on Apple Watch

Before proceeding, make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest version of the Spotify app for iOS and watchOS from this App Store page. In any case, the music streaming service activates the offline playback function on Apple Watch on the server side. Users who cannot find it immediately should not be discouraged. Spotify is proceeding with a gradual release. Within the next few days, it will be available for many subscribers to the paid Premium service.

While this is the offline play feature on Apple Watch, you need to access it from the app on your iPhone or iPad at first. On the terminals of users for whom it is already active, you will notice the presence of an icon with three dots displayed for each album, playlist, and podcast. By pressing it with a tap, a list of functions appears, including “Download to Apple Watch.”Spotify App

Some users report that this appeared after closing and then reopening the app. You need an Apple Watch Series 3 with watchOS 6.0 or higher with a Cellular or WiFi connection for use. Spotify recommends having at least watchOS 7.1 – and, of course, a Premium subscription.

Check Progress in the Downloads Section

In the Downloads section on Apple Watch, you can check the progress of the download. Once you download the albums, playlists, and podcasts you prefer and store them in the Apple Watch library, a small green arrow appears next to your name and titles. At this point, it is sufficient to connect earphones and headphones to Apple Watch to start offline playback with Spotify, wherever you are, even without having an iPhone. The music streaming service notes that offline playback from the Apple wearable only happens at a bitrate of 96Kbps, a bit low for music fans, but it’s still a start.

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