How to Scan a QR Code on My Windows PC – Online QR Code Reader

Through the following guide, we show you how you can scan or read a QR code with or without a camera on your Windows PC. As you will see, it is a process that you can do very easily through your web browser.

Currently, there are ways to generate personalized QR codes. Now the issue is how to read them, something that we explain below.

Scan a QR code with or without a camera using WebQR

QR codes are everywhere. You need to scan it to open WhatsApp web. You can also use these codes through your computer.

Undoubtedly one of the most recommended options if you want to scan a QR code is the WebQR web application. WebQR is a website that scans QR codes. In addition, you can use the application both with a camera and without it.

Read QR code with a camera using WebQR

  • The first thing you should do is access the WebQR website. The first time you access it, it will ask for your permission to use your camera. Just grant it.
  • Your webcam content will immediately be displayed on the screen. You have to position the camera so that it can scan the QR code.
  • After the above, at the bottom, below the arrow, the content of the code will be displayed, which in the vast majority of cases is a website or a text message.WebQR code reader

Read QR code without using a camera

  • The process of scanning a QR code based on a photograph is very simple. As in the previous step, you must access the WebQR website.
  • This time, you must click on the icon on the right in the shape of a camera.
  • After doing the above, the page will ask you to select the file. You can do it in two ways. One of them is dragging the image directly to the website or clicking on ” Select file.
  • If you click on “Select File,” you should go to the folder where you have saved the QR code. After this, click on the ” Open ” option.
  • After performing this step, you will see the content on the screen.

Considerations with the WebQR program

WebQR is capable of scanning any code without problems. In any case, to access this platform, it will be necessary to be connected to the Internet.

In turn, every time you want to scan a new QR code, you must refresh the page. You can do this very easily by pressing the F5 key if you want to scan multiple codes.

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