ThreadToAudio, A Bot that Converts Twitter Threads to Audio

When someone hears about bots on Twitter, the first thing that comes to mind is often the bot farms that politicians use to create false trends and manipulate public opinion. However, on Twitter, there are also other types of bots, much more enriching and creative.

For example, @DownloaderBot, a Twitter bot account that offers you a download link for any video uploaded to Twitter simply by invoking it in the reply area of ​​the tweet that contains the video. The @TheReaderApp bot is also quite useful, which chains all the tweets in a thread to read them at once as if it were a document.

ThreadToAudio, a bot that transforms any Twitter thread into an audio file

280 characters may be enough to express your opinion about the latest Netflix premiere or that funny joke that your cousin Aurelio just told you. But when you want to explain something a little more dense or elaborate, those 280 characters fall short.

Twitter threads can be as long as you want, and often these types of readings, although interesting, tend to be quite uncomfortable to read.

A good alternative can be the @TheReaderApp bot, but also other tools such as the @ThreadToAudio bot. With this free bot, you can convert any thread on the social network into a beautiful audio file where a voice will read you all the tweets, from the first to the last.

For it to work, you just have to type or mention @ThreadToAudio unroll as a reply in any Twitter thread.ThreadToAudio

Next, you will receive a reply from the @ThreadToAudio Twitter Account with a link to the audio of the thread.listen to Twitter thread

The link takes you to an Audiblogs page, from where you can play the audio, change the playback speed and share the file with other people by simply pressing a button.Twitter Thread in Audio

Personally, I see it quite practical for those who follow many accounts in English since ThreadToAudio is designed to work with this language only. It can also convert tweets into other languages, but the accent is too pronounced to understand it normally. In any case, a most curious and interesting bot.

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