How to Hide Already Watched Movies from Netflix Viewing History

Netflix offers recommendations on what content to watch based on previous views. While this can generally be considered a positive factor, sometimes it turns into a real nightmare. For example, imagine if your friend uses your profile to watch an entire series you hate. From then on, you will be flooded with recommendations on similar content. Here’s how to hide the titles from Netflix viewing history. The key to hide is slightly hidden.

Remove already watched movies from Netflix Viewing History

If you want to delete some content viewed from the history, know that there is a special button, even if in reality it is a bit buried among the various Netflix menus. To do this, simply follow these steps:

  • Using a web browser, login to your profile and go to your account page. You can do this by clicking your profile icon at the top left.
  • Open the  Profiles and Parental Controls section for the profile to be updated
  • Open Content Viewing Activities for the same profile

Once you reach this page you can actually see all the contents watched. From here, simply click on the Hide icon located next to each title, that is, that icon in the shape of a circle with the oblique bar inside it. If it is an episode of a series, you will be asked if you want to hide the entire series.hide Netflix viewing history

Furthermore, at the bottom of the same page, there will also be the “Hide all” button, so as to obtain the effect of hiding all the contents in a single click.

Note that when you hide a title from your watching history, it will no longer appear on Netflix as a TV series or watched movie. Also, mon will be more used as a reference for advice on other similar titles, unless you look at them again. Finally, this content will also be removed from the Keep Watching line.

Removing a title from all your devices may take up to 24 hours. Titles cannot be hidden if you are accessing the Activities page from a Kids profile.

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