How the Adaptive Battery Feature Works on Android Smartphones

Long battery life is one of the main arguments when choosing a smartphone, along with the characteristics of cameras and displays. Moreover, many users are even ready to compromise with other technical parameters in favor of increased battery capacity.

The operating time without recharging directly depends on the number of applications running, and also on how intensively you use your device. Most Android smartphone manufacturers offer their customers a highly effective “Adaptive Battery” feature. As the name suggests, this option helps extend battery life.

The thing is that the more actively you use smartphones, the more system processes are running in the background. Many applications are constantly receiving and exchanging data, which, of course, negatively affects battery life.

adaptive battery feature

How the Adaptive Battery Feature Works and the Benefits

After turning on the Adaptive Battery feature, your phone starts to analyze what programs are currently running on it. Next, the optimization process begins, during which many non-critical applications will be stopped.

Another benefit of this feature is that it is self-learning. In other words, Adaptive Battery analyzes your daily routine and habits in order to make changes to your work in the future. Software algorithms first of all pay attention to which applications you use most often, and at what time of the day. For example, your smartphone will only fully charge the battery in the morning when you wake up and get ready to go to work. Thus, the system protects the “health” of the battery.

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