VPN Problems and How to Solve Them

Getting the right VPN is essential for quality service. You might also experience some challenges with your VPN, most of which can be fixed easily. Are you facing problems connecting to VPN? Do you want to protect your privacy while using the Internet? Looking for ways to avoid restrictions? We offer effective methods for troubleshooting VPN problems that are guaranteed to help you get rid of problems. Learn how to change the VPN on your computer, how to set it up correctly, and what to do in case of unexpected problems.

Common VPN problems and how to fix them

Many users at least once while working on the Internet with extensions have a question: why does the VPN not work. If you encounter difficulties while using the service, the following common problems are usually the cause.

  • Slow application speed.
  • Interruptions in work.
  • Connection fails.

We look at some of these common problems in detail and their fixes.

Slow operating speed

Of course, there are some universal tips – choosing a faster plan or upgrading your PC. True, this is not entirely relevant, since in this case, we are talking about solving problems related to the work of VPNs.

Choosing a different VPN server

Not all users are aware that the quality of the application may directly depend on the physical distance from your location to the server. The reason for this relationship is quite simple: if your device is located far away, then the data is transferred very slowly, and accordingly, the download speed decreases.

The ideal option is to choose the nearest server located near you (in neighboring countries).

Using a faster protocol

Some protocols are lightweight, while others consume a lot of resources. If you see too low speed when connecting to VPN, try to eliminate “heavy protocols”. These include, in particular, SSTP.

It is better to opt for fast and lightweight protocols like IKEv2 and SoftEther when possible. PPTP also has a good speed indicator, however, it is difficult to recommend it, since the developers have not thought out reliable protection. In other words, while interacting with third-party sites, users will be in danger.

Reliable extensions that don’t need to be reconfigured include a fast-loading VPN service with total privacy.

Replacing TCP with UDP

In some cases, this option is the only one among the offers from the provider. TCP is a kind of standard for online connections. However, according to the developers’ settings, it automatically fixes errors, which may cause the user to experience slow operation. In turn, UDP is not equipped with this feature and demonstrates higher performance. The protocol handles different amounts of data without the slightest hitch.

Network port replacement

Connecting the device to the VPN server and interacting with it involves the use of a network port. Users are usually given a choice of which port to use.

There is a chance that your device and the extension may not communicate well due to a problem with the specific port being used. Also, providers can slow down any passing traffic on the specified port, and in this case, the bandwidth is purposefully lowered.

Test different ports one by one and settle on the one that offers the best level of speed.

Adding exceptions to security software

There are cases when the full functioning of the VPN is prevented by an anti-virus application installed on the device, designed to combat malware. As a result, there is a slowdown in the speed of work. More often, the reason is a careful analysis of each data packet that the VPN server sends and receives, which causes an additional leak of time and resources.

The ideal way to solve this problem is to add the program to the list of anti-malware exceptions, rather than disabling it. In this way, you will continue to use the Internet, but will not suffer from the negative effects of viruses or malware.

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