Which is the Best Shopify Theme?

Find out in this article which is the best Shopify theme, and why choose this theme over another.

Why choose the right theme?

A Shopify theme helps you create a store that should not only be stylish, but also efficient in order to convert more visitors into customers and thus achieve your business goals, i.e., a high conversion rate.

Competition is increasingly fierce in the field of e-commerce, and if you do not put all the assets on your side, you will have enormous difficulty in generating turnover and above all good margins to live on your Shopify store.

In this article, I have selected the best Shopify theme for you.

It will help you find the perfect optimization for your store without spending hours researching how to optimize your store’s design and SEO.

How to choose the right Shopify theme?

There are different methods to find the ideal theme.

You can go to the Shopify theme store, follow the advice of your friends, or follow the advice of recognized experts in the field.

I will discuss here two methods that are the most widespread.

1st method: The Shopify theme store

To choose your theme, you can go to the Shopify themes page. You will be able to visualize according to your different criteria the theme which seems to you to best suit your expectations.

This theme will be either paid or free.

You can sort the themes with a global search by collection or by:

  • Price,
  • Type of activity,
  • Size of your product catalog,
  • type of layout,
  • And finally by design.

2nd method: User experience

This method consists of viewing YouTube videosreading blogs, and looking for opinions on a particular topic.

It takes a lot of time, but believe my experience, it is the best solution.

This method takes time and patience, but it’s the best.

Some of the things that determine user experience include:

  • design: colors, animations,
  • setting options for natural referencing: Hn tags, title and image attributes,
  • options included in the theme: popups, sitemap, upsells,
  • update of the acquired theme,
  • hotline from the publisher.how to choose the best Shopify theme

What is the role of the theme in Shopify?

The theme is the skeleton of your e-commerce site because it consists of a set of models and options that will be the foundations of your online business and that will allow you to structurally define your Shopify website,

In summary, the theme will have many basic features:

  • pre-configured templates,
  • default plugins,
  • design options for your homepage, product sheets, etc.
  • content management optimized for search engines,
  • pre-installed modules such as upsell management for example,
  • optimization of access times to your site,
  • responsive design,
  • builder with many options,
  • conversion optimization (average basket),
  • etc…

It will simply allow you to put in place the right structure and the right marketing strategy for your online store from the start, but also allow you to develop it over time.

Why choose a paid theme?

The free themes that you can set up for your E-commerce project are not very effective in terms of customization and especially in terms of SEO, just like 99% of the paid themes available for Shopify.

You may get a nice design but its optimization for natural referencing will be poor or even totally ineffective.

On the other hand, if for you the internet referencing which is completely free does not have the slightest importance, then a free theme will do the trick because it means that you will only sell from the advertising you will do on:

  • Google,
  • Facebook,
  • Instagram,
  • TikTok,
  • Etc

But if one day Facebook or Google Ads blocks you, what will you do?

It is important to think in the long term and get out of this framework to acquire a theme that meets your specific needs and that will allow you to set up an optimal configuration for your store and especially for an effective SEO on Google.

You will have made a lasting investment.

The Best Shopify Theme

SPEEDFLY is the theme that according to my practical experience is the most relevant and most effective in terms of design and SEO.

The theme comes with a trial period of 15 Days. This is a unique opportunity for you to make the right choice right away.

  • License valid for 3 shops
  • 15 Days Free Trial
  • Optimized for your shop design
  • Optimized for SEO (Natural Referencing)
  • Theme for single product sites
  • Theme for multi-product sites


Here are some examples of sites with this theme

It is not enough to write that this theme is great for your store, you still have to prove it.

Here are some examples of sites with this theme:

Speedfly theme review

Benefits of Speedfly theme

By purchasing this theme, you will benefit from the following main features:

1. Optimized access times

  • Access times on your site are essential for the user experience, and this theme is optimized for a very short display time regardless of the medium (computer, tablet, smartphone).

2. Design options

  • There are countless customizable designs depending on your aesthetic expectations: presentations, colors and shapes.

3. Perfect for smartphones and tablets

  • The management is 100% responsive guaranteed so that your Shopify site is displayed perfectly on all display media: computers, tablets and especially smartphones.

4. Customizing your store

  • The settings options have been developed by Shopify development experts, which will bring you much more than just a free theme.

5. Page pre-configuration

  • Pre-configured pages already optimized for SEO, such as the “FAQ” page, the “About us” page, “Additional tabs” on the product sheet, etc. are already present in the theme.

6. Updates Included

  • The updates that will be offered to you regularly will allow you to set up new optimization features. They are generally 3 to 6 per year.
  • Updates follow the evolution of Shopify which is constantly evolving. This is a very important asset for the sustainability of your online store.

7. Lots of customization options

  • Upsell management,
  • Dynamic newsletter subscription popups
  • Redirection of popups to a product,
  • Free modification of Hn tags according to the type of page, the section and its content,
  • Optimized consideration of image attributes for SEO,
  • Management of character sizes according to the type of page,
  • Adding a summary to your blog posts,
  • Creation of additional tabs on your product pages,
  • Addition of many options on the product page,
  • Countdowns which is an animation to define an end of promotion,
  • Multi-currency management,
  • Parcel tracking,
  • Etc…

How to install the theme on Shopify?

All you need to do is follow the procedure below once you download the theme.

From the “Online store” area select “Themes”.

Save existing theme

As a precaution, it is a good idea to make a backup of your existing theme.

To do this, simply click on the “Actions” button located just before “Customize” and click on “Duplicate”.

So in case of a change of mind, you can return to the previous theme.

Installing the Best Shopify Theme

  • Go to the “Theme Library” block
  • Click on “Add theme”
  • Select “Upload a compressed file”
  • Click on “Actions”
  • And finally on “Publish”

Now all you have to do is modify it to your liking and desire. You have installed the ideal theme to support you in your project.

The perfect theme for Shopify

This theme is recognized and a reference in its field. Its configuration power is a key asset for the success of your e-commerce project.

The sustainability of this theme is real with regular updates and very responsive support.

You are making the right choice.

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