Tech Skills on High Demand

The evolution of technology is undeniable. For this reason, and due to the strong impact it is causing, this year we will see a great demand for knowledge related to it in the business world.

These are positions that have high employability due to the scarcity of knowledge. This means that companies do not easily find trained professionals for these jobs. When they find them, they receive salary bands well above the market.

These are the most demanded tech skills


Being a cybersecurity expert is being able to protect the software, data and information systems and networks of any company. Although before the Covid-19 health crisis, they were in high demand, teleworking has increased their demand. There are many companies exposed to all kinds of cyberattacks. Having a security breach would mean losing customers and reputation.

Data analysts

They work by creating information models that allow them to anticipate what may happen. They analyze large amounts of data that they transform into processed information. To this, you can add knowing disciplines that focus on the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to create some applications and tools on web pages. Improving the handling of information and the meaning of big data can be done more easily with the help of AI.

Technology developers ‘DevOps’

DevOps is a set of practices that brings together software development and information technology operations. They design and execute this technology.

‘Full stack’ developer

These developers are responsible for creating databases and servers. They check the proper functioning of the application or website on both mobile phones and computers. Since mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, the ‘full stack’ will be one of the key pieces.

Cloud architect and administrator

Those who engage in this work design new environments in the cloud. The cloud is remote servers on the Internet to store, manage and process data, servers, databases, networks and software.

Finally, we should not overlook the organizational skills that a product manager can offer in the technological world. They are people who create strategies, supervise the execution of the project and follow the reaction of the users. In short, they are the key to designing the path that leads to success.

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