Inkjet or Laser Multi-Function Printer? A Guide to Choosing the Best

The printer is an essential accessory for those who often work or study using the computer. Precisely for this reason, in recent years, the printer market has become increasingly broad and varied, providing models that are useful to satisfy the most diverse needs. And with functions that define very different profiles.

Modern printers can therefore be divided into different types – for home or office, for example. They differ in the technology they use for printing. Faced with such a rich offer, it is, therefore, natural to ask oneself during the purchase phase whether it is better to opt for an inkjet or laser printer, the two most common types. In this guide, we will look at the differences between this type of device and the most suitable solution to adapt to your needs.

Injekt or laser printer: the differences

Inkjet or laser printer? Let’s cut the bull’s head immediately. There is no type of printer that, in an absolute sense, is better than the other. Before going into detail, we can say that the inkjet ones are more suitable for medium intensity use and printing single text documents and illustrations with an excellent resolution of colors.laser printer

They use water-based ink sprayed onto the paper via small dispensers on the cart, and are the most common printers in small offices and at home. This is due to its size and low cost. The laser printers, on the contrary, do not carry ink and toner, meant to print a large number of pages fast. However, each of the two printing technologies boasts its own peculiar strengths. We will now analyze them individually.

Purchase price

When it comes to buying a new printer, the first thing that catches your eye is the price. Generally, inkjet printers are less expensive than those with laser technology, more engineered and complex to make. However, you must understand that the laser ones are designed for higher print volumes and more basic documents. For this reason, they can ensure significant savings in terms of consumption in the long term.

Print quality

Moving on to print quality, inkjet models guarantee better color management, even for high definition photos and images. This happens thanks to the use of inks based on dyes and pigments, capable of restoring even the smallest nuances. The laser printers are best for thick text documents , especially if you need large print volumes. However, they are not sufficiently accurate in the photographic performance.

Cost of copy

In choosing between a laser printer or an inkjet, you should not underestimate the copy cost associated with cartridges and toner. In this case, laser printers offer cheaper prints per page, but toner has a higher purchase cost than individual cartridges, despite being much easier to use, store and possibly ship.

Inkjet or laser printer: Which one to choose?

At this point, you should understand that the choice between an inkjet or laser printer is closely linked to the use you intend to make of it. The first type is more suitable for those who print occasionally or want to print photos and images at home. On the other hand, the laser is optimal for printing many pages of documents, perhaps full of text.

The general advice, however, remains, in any case, to move towards an inkjet multifunction printer and a multifunction laser printer, opting for the best on the market. Multifunction printers are all-inclusive of scanners and in some cases fax, and most often support photo printing.

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