How to Track a Stolen Smart TV

A Smart TV not only lets you tune into your usual cable service but also access the internet. Thanks to its functions and WiFi connection, you can surf it, play games, and see much more. Even better if you have a subscription to streaming services.

Netflix, HBO, Hulu, or Amazon Prime are some of the streaming services you can enjoy on your Smart TV. This makes it a flashy device and fun to enjoy. However, in parallel, they also make it an easy target for theft in many countries. Not only because of how ostentatious but because of how difficult they are to track properly.

Home burglary is a horrible condition that is not uncommon in many homes. Easily sold items such as computers, cell phones, or consoles are the main target in these robberies. Therefore, the Smart TV will not escape its looting of coveted objects.

However, you can employ certain methods to discover the whereabouts of your TV and
lead the authorities to the thief. And all with the help of the aforementioned streaming

Is it possible to track my stolen Smart TV?

Like we said, Smart TVs can’t really be properly tracked. They are not like cell phones because they do not have GPS, and you cannot easily track your own location. However, the curious method does not require tracking it through the device itself but through the account of a streaming service like Netflix.

Streaming services like Netflix or HBO have a section in our profiles where we can review account activity. In it, you can see when and from where a profile that has tuned into the service to view content has connected.

Specifically, it will show you the IP, which is the unique address that internet providers give you. When someone registers a connection by putting an internet service in their house, a unique IP is established for that connection. And it is thanks to this IP address, you can find out where your Smart TV is.

How do I use Netflix to find the location of my stolen Smart TV?

This process requires some luck because you need the thief to have been curious to log into your Netflix. However, you will most likely do so when you discover that you now have a free account too.

When the theft has occurred, do not immediately change the account password to deny the thief access. This is because it is precisely what we require. If the thief enters your Netflix account and tunes in a program, he will have taken the bait.

You have to go into the account settings and check the recent activity. On the activity page, they will show you where, when and from which device the streaming service has been used recently. When you see the most recent activity from the Smart TV, make a note of the IP TV tracking

How can I figure out who is behind an IP address?

Once you write down that IP address, you must go to the authorities. The IP can provide the name and address of the said person who owns it. But this can only be achieved judicially since it is Law. Therefore, you have to go to make your complaint.

Once you provide the IP address to the police, they will have to process the report. When it
is legally authorized that it can be traced, the rest is in your hands to make sure the culprit is apprehended. And likewise, you can recover the Smart TV.

It may seem very complicated and risky, but these operations have paid off. A few years ago, in Argentina, a woman managed to recover her stolen Smart TV thanks to the use of the IP she saw on Netflix. Later after the news, the method became popular, and several similar news emerged from people who reported with the IPs and found those responsible.

Several thieves or buyers of stolen merchandise have been frustrated thanks to the important details of Netflix accounts. Therefore, it is always safe to go to the authorities first and not log out of all devices or change your account password.

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