How to Improve Your Visibility on TikTok

Your account is more like a business card for all TikTok subscribers. The better your presentation will be, and the more views will get. Although many focus on content rather than their account, it is very important to take care of both aspects to get the most out of it. But what are the elements that you can take care of to improve your visibility on TikTok? Let’s see the main ones.


Your TikTok account is a business card. Those who don’t know your content may be interested in what you propose. You should compose well-kept and balanced graphics. How many times have you noticed extremely confusing TikTok accounts and the desire to observe the contents within it has passed? Several times. You have to avoid heavy graphics and aim for a light and pleasing impact. Maybe think of video content that matches each other chromatically, and you will get a better result not only in appearance but above all in the number of views.


TikTok does not allow the inclusion of a lot of information in your profile, but the few you can enter must be impactful and interesting. The right information can help you intrigue those who visit your account and take an interest in your content. A funny little BIO could be the springboard to increase the views.

Backlinks and interactions 

While your aim is to increase views on TikTok, you shouldn’t overlook the possibility of merging multiple social platforms to reach more people. In your TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook account, you can insert backlinks that direct users to your TikTok content, significantly increasing the views under the clips produced.

How to get more views on TikTok

The tips analyzed above are a starting point for improving your visibility on TikTok. There are even more important aspects to consider to reach excellent numbers. Let’s see which ones and why.

Quality Clips

To have many views on TikTok, you must bet on its greater firepower: the videos. Creating a quality, fun, and potentially viral video will allow you to increase the number of views and consequently attract many new users to your account. They can then decide to follow you or not for future content. 

Use Hashtags

Surely you have happened to search for video content on TikTok based on a keyword or a hashtag. This tool made available by the platform is essential to improve views. Finding the right hashtag to add is never easy, but with a little study, you will understand which ones are best suited to your content and attract many people to view your videos.


Not only on TikTok but also all other social platforms, it is very important to offer subscribers high-quality videos. Although these can cost you some extra effort in terms of hardware and especially gigabytes in updates, it is absolutely worth it. The videos with higher quality have a great response. They are testimony of commitment and great care of the contents.


For you to do many views, you must not neglect the community. Your followers are a very important resource, and it is essential to make them feel part of a family. The greater your interaction with them, the more they will be led to watch your videos, increasing the total number at the end of the month. This will boost your visibility on TikTok.


The most famous Tiktokers currently have begun to make themselves known through Challenges. Real challenges with famous people can boost your visibility on TikTok. Take advantage of this tool to get noticed.

How TikTok views work

The procedure to follow to get more views is therefore not so complicated. You will have to work a little, but the results obtained will repay all the efforts accumulated over time, especially if your intention is also to make money with TikTok. If the number of views is so important to you, so is understanding how they work and how to see views on this platform.

The TikTok algorithm

The TikTok algorithm is among the most complex in the world, and few guidelines are known that identify the right behavior to follow to exploit it 100%. Like other social networks, TikTok must necessarily disseminate information to give way to content creators to have a clearer picture of what they are doing.

Specifically, the information you can access refers to the recommendation activities. That is, all those contents recommended to users. You will have noticed when registering on TikTok how the platform asked you to choose categories and characters that are important to you. This process prompts TikTok’s algorithm to recommend accounts that can come close to your tastes and preferences.

Your profile, therefore, has also been placed in one of these categories, called clusters, and some users will be redirected to your account if it conforms to their initial preferences. A mechanism of this type is linked not only to the basic information but also extends to the music used and the hashtags present in the clips. So try to identify your account to be attractive to subscribers who love your same video and music content, making the most of the hashtags as well.increase TikTok followers

How to increase followers on TikTok for free

The tools made available by TikTok allow you to better increase your followers on TikTok without necessarily spending money. If not, you can always turn to platforms that sell virtual followers.

How to check who visits my TikTok profile

One of the curiosities of Tiktokers is to verify who has visited their account. Unfortunately, as of June 2020, TikTok no longer allows you to view information from users who have viewed your content.

Although it may seem unfortunate news, the continuous updates of this platform does not exclude a possible inclusion of this feature in the future. So that you can be ready for this, here is a quick guide on how to check who has viewed your TikTok profile.

  • Open the TikTok app for Android or iOS.
  • Tap the Inbox icon in the bottom bar to access the All activities page.
  • Click on the first notification regarding a visitor on your profile to view all the others grouped in the list.
  • Visit the profiles who have visited your profile to reciprocate.

The platform retains information from the last two days, or at least in the version before June 2020.

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