How to Create a Programmer’s CV?

Although there are currently a lot of vacant programmer positions in most places, it is not easy to be selected by recruiters. Recruiters are more and more demanding and scrutinize the slightest information in the CVs of candidates. So, how do you create a programmer’s CV or resume to put the odds in your favor? Discover our tips right away!

Information to Highlight

The first things to look out for when writing a programmer’s resume or CV are the information. You must carefully select the information to include in your CV by following the following guidelines:

  • Personal information
  • The right contact information
  • Studies, diplomas, and certificates obtained during these studies: Avoid mentioning studies and training that have nothing to do with programming. If you have had the chance to create personal achievements such as applications or other programming projects during an end of study thesis, for example, do not hesitate to mention it.
  • Professional background: Regarding the professional background, select only the conclusive experiences in the field of programming. By mentioning bad experiences, you may reduce your chances of getting the to create a programmer's CV

Editorial Quality

Writing style should also be taken care of when writing a programmer’s CV. Your resume must not contain any fault. The slightest mistake will work against you and recruiters are very picky at this level.

Moreover, by writing a CV with an irreproachable quality of English, you will have more chance of obtaining the position than another less good profile in the same language, but with more experience. So don’t hesitate to equip yourself with the best state-of-the-art tools to put the odds in your favor. Today there are more and more tools to correct even the slightest English or grammar mistakes. Most are free.


The layout is also a crucial point to offer a pleasant and fluid reading to those who will read your CV. To do this, you have to be very careful to organize the information to be included. The way you organize your CV directly reflects your personality. And the recruiter will take this into account.

It is also important to know that the ideal length for a CV is one page. If possible, then it would be better to create a programmer’s resume that fits into one page. But if you need more to describe your experiences, it’s not your fault. However, try to include only relevant information.

CV Design

Finally, there is the design which is also an important point to take into account on a programmer’s CV. Today there are many resume templates with different designs. Do not hesitate to try all the templates offered on online platforms to find what will correspond best.

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