One of the virtues of the Alexa personal assistant is its conversational ability. Many of its functions are for practical purposes, but others are there simply for fun or a little smile. That is the case of the Super Alexa Mode, an Easter egg that the developers have hidden inside the Amazon assistant.
In essence, we can say that it is a nod to lifelong gamers since you have to apply the famous “Konami code” to activate it.
How to activate Super Alexa mode
The Konami code is a very specific script that consists of telling Alexa the following: ” Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start .”
As it is a somewhat convoluted command, it may not work out the first time, in which case Alexa will warn you indicating that ” Super Alexa mode is super secret, I can only activate it if you tell me the correct code .”
If you are a good speaker and say the code the first time, then Alexa will respond with a “ Ding, ding, ding! The code is exact, downloading updates ! ” while you hear screams and applause in the background. If this is what it means to be a computer genius, you certainly have a promising future.
At other times Alexa will also give you your ears with other messages such as “Whoo! Good job! Super Alexa mode activated ”or“ Congratulations, correct exact code ”. Obviously, everything stays there, since the Super Alexa mode is nothing more than that, a little joke that has no use beyond what we have just mentioned.
What is the Konami code?
The so-called “Konami code” also known as the “Contra Code” is a trick you can use in certain Nintendo NES games such as Gradius or Contra, both from the developer Konami.
The cheat was activated by performing a sequence of presses and buttons with the console controller. In the case of Contra, it helps you get 30 extra lives in a game known for its high level of difficulty. In other games like Gradius, this meant getting all the upgrades for our ship from scratch.
Basically, it is a code set by Konami developers for programmers to use during the testing of their games. At first, they forgot to delete it when launching the commercial version. They later continued using it as a wink to the players.
Since then, the Konami code has become an Easter egg that appears in a multitude of games that do not even have anything to do with Konami. These include Bioshock, Tetris, or Fortnite. You can also find it on some internet websites and in other applications such as Google Assistant (which, by the way, makes the occasional mention of his great friend Alexa).