Mac Washing Machine X9, The Ideal Tool to Clean Up Your Mac

Macs are efficient and work mostly well without our intervention. However, with time and use, they can show signs of weakness, slow down, or simply fill up with unnecessary files.

To get rid of unwanted and duplicate files or automatically organize your Mac, here is Mac Washing Machine X9, a reference in this field. The software is only available for a few days at a price of $55.99 for 1 year of protection or $99.99, for two mac cleaner

Goodbye to junk files!

There are a lot of files on your Mac that you don’t need. Whether it’s caches that are no longer used or language files for languages ​​you don’t even speak, a good cleaning may be required.

Mac Washing Machine X9 helps you clean up your Mac by locating and removing these files for you, so your computer runs faster and more efficiently.

Duplicates? Which duplicates?

With this tool, you can delete unnecessary files on your Mac. You probably have a lot of duplicate files on your computer and they are not backups but double files, useless, and that you didn’t even know existed.

Intego software identifies these unnecessary files and lets you delete them with a single click, cleaning up your Mac and returning storage space to use for the files that really matter.

Clutter is the worst enemy of efficiency

To cope with the chaos of careless file management, Mac Washing Machine X9 can automatically organize the jungle of files cluttering your desktop by storing each file in an appropriate folder.

It can also tell you which apps you use more or less, so you can place (or remove) them from the dock.what is mac washing machine

Mac Washing Machine is 4 times cheaper than CleanMyMac – a bargain!

Mac Washing Machine X9 is available only for a few days at a special price, with a permanent license and therefore without a subscription.

The software is also compatible from Mac OS X 10.9 to macOS Monterey and Mac M1 and offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

And for more comprehensive protection from Intego, you can purchase the Intego Mac Premium Bundle, which includes Mac Washing Machine, Antivirus, Firewall, Backup, and Parental Control for $ 29.99.

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