LinkedIn Premium: How the Subscription Works

Among the various social networks in vogue today, the most particular in its sector is LinkedIn. This social network was born with the idea of ​​simplifying and encouraging a meeting between supply and demand in the workplace. LinkedIn wants to ensure that those involved in acting in the field of human resources can find, among millions of professionals, the right person. However, there are two versions: Linkedin Basic and Linkedin Premium. Are you interested in joining LinkedIn Premium? Let’s find out how this service works!

What is LinkedIn Premium?

It is a famous social network for job seekers. LinkedIn Premium is the paid version. There are differences, they are many, and they have different prices. When you sign up for LinkedIn with a free basic account, this is a kind of digital resume. The paid account, on the other hand, offers an important amount of additional functions. LinkedIn Premium isn’t just one – there are four different versions. The 4 possible Linkedin Premium profiles are Career, Business, Sales, and Recruitment. Below we will talk about the features. How LinkedIn Premium works

Career Profile

The Career subscription to Linkedin Premium allows you to send and receive messages directly addressed to recruiters. Not only that, you can communicate with members of the social network with whom you are not connected (via the InMail messages option). Furthermore, the Career subscription to Linkedin Premium allows you to obtain a list of the people who view your private profile, while the free version allows you to see only some data. The Career version allows you to send featured applications, to compare different candidates for the same job offer. This subscription allows you to attend online video courses.

Linkedin Premium: Business Profile

This version includes 15 InMail messages to send; it allows you to obtain additional information on a company of interest. In addition, with this subscription, you can get a lot of information about those who visit your LinkedIn profile. There is the opportunity to perform endless searches of other people and attend video courses.

Linkedin Premium: Recruitment Profile

This subscription allows you to send 30 InMail messages, access the advanced search, to get suggestions on the most similar profiles. With the Recruitment subscription, you can manage in a practical and fast way all the candidates for your offers, you get a sort of automatic candidate tracking and, finally, you have an unlimited search of profiles, as well as the possibility of analyzing who has visited your profile in the last three months.

Sales Profile

The Sales profile grants 20 InMail messages and unlimited information on accounts of interest and leads. It will give you the ability to create customized lists of leads, report some leads of interest, and save the searches carried out. Furthermore, you will always have all information available on who visits your personal profile with the Premium Sales subscription. You will also get unlimited searches.

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