How to Take a Screenshot on Mac

Having a form or tool that allows you to take screenshots on your Mac computer is of the utmost importance since, nowadays, images are a fundamental part of everyday life.

Therefore, if you have a tool that allows you to take screenshots on Mac, you will be able to save for posterity any information shown on the display of your Mac computer.

With this in mind, we will show you the ways that exist and that you have at your fingertips to take a screenshot on your Mac computer quickly and easily.

Ways to take a screenshot on my Mac computer

Screenshots are one of the most useful tools to save any open window on your Mac computer in image format. Therefore, it is essential to know the different ways you can take a screenshot on your Mac PC.

Take a screenshot on Mac from the keyboardmac keyboard

One of the easiest ways to take a screenshot on your Mac computer is through the commands available for this purpose on the computer keyboard.

Therefore, if you want to save the screenshot automatically, you must simultaneously press the Shift + Command + 3 keys to take a complete screenshot of the window in which you are. If you prefer to save the capture in your computer’s clipboard, you have to press the keys Shift + Control + Command + 3.

On the other hand, if you want to get a screenshot of a certain area of ​​a window on your Mac, you must press Shift + Command + 4 on your keyboard. When you do this, a cross will appear that will allow you to select the screen area you want to capture. You must hold down the space bar while making the selection. To finish, you will only have to release the mouse button.

Take a screenshot on Mac instantly

While having combinations or shortcuts on the Mac keyboard to take screenshots is a useful tool, sometimes it can be tedious for some to memorize these commands. In this case, you can integrate a program on your computer that allows you to take screenshots or use those already integrated into your Mac.

Such is the case of Grab or Snapshot, a program you can integrate into Mac OS computers of any version. To enter this program, you must open the ‘Finder’ and then ‘Applications.’ Now, in the ‘Utilities’ folder, you must locate and select the Grab / Snapshot program.

Once there, to take a screen capture of any window on your Mac, you must select the ‘Capture’ option displayed in the program menu. In this way, you will see a series of options so that you can choose the one you prefer when capturing the view of your screen.

Where are the screenshots saved on my Mac computer?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by those who take screenshots on a Mac computer. After taking one, no indication is shown of where the image file produced has been located to find it later.

Therefore, once you have taken the screen capture on your Mac computer, whatever method you have preferred to use, it will be automatically saved in your PC’s storage. You can find all the screenshots taken on your Mac desktop.

Likewise, these screenshots have in their file name the exact time and date you took them. Also, the screenshots you take on your Mac computer will be a PNG image file.

On the other hand, we recommend that you group the files on your Mac desktop in a stack so that it is easier to locate the screenshots you have taken. Keep in mind that if you take captures regularly, it is likely that your desktop will fill up regularly.

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