How to Choose the Perfect Humidifier for Your Home

A fairly simple device can actually be fundamentally different from model to model. We tell you what criteria should be used to choose a humidifier for your home.

For a person to feel comfortable, the air humidity level in a residential area should be from 30% (up to 45% in the cold and up to 60% in the warm season). In reality, it rarely exceeds 20%, and in winter, with central heating running, often drops to 10%. All this causes discomfort in the body, and humidifiers help eliminate all these difficulties as long as it’s chosen correctly.

So, when deciding to purchase a household air humidifier, pay attention to the following important aspects so that in the end you will not be disappointed in your purchase and receive only benefit from it.

Humidifier type

Household humidifiers fall into four main categories.

  • Traditional – the fan draws air from the room, passes it through a container of water, returning it to the room humidified and at a slightly lower temperature;
  • Ultrasonic – ultrasonic vibrations convert moisture in containers into tiny particles that mix with incoming air, which returns to the room in a humidified form;
  • Steam – similar in principle to a kettle, turning water into steam by heating, which saturates the air;
  • Disc – combine a humidifier and an air purifier, in which the incoming air passes through filters and receives moisture.

Room area

The effectiveness of a humidifier directly depends on the area of ​​​​the room for which it is designed. The average parameter in square meters is indicated in the documentation for the device, but you should always keep in mind that the indicated figure is the maximum possible service area. It is desirable that it be at least 20% more than the real to choose a humidifier


The parameter shows the water consumption per hour, i.e. how many millilitres of liquid the device will turn into steam per hour of operation. The higher this indicator, the faster the level of humidity in the air will increase, and the more efficient it will be to work in a large room. The optimal performance for household humidifiers is considered to be at least 300 ml/h.

Tank volume

Shows how much water can be poured into the humidifier at a time. It is directly related to the performance of the device and makes it clear how often you have to add water so that the room is constantly maintained at optimal humidity. Steam humidifiers have one and a half to two times more consumption than traditional or ultrasonic humidifiers, which need up to 4 litres of water for a day of work.

Noise level

An important parameter if you plan to use a humidifier at night as well. For round-the-clock operation, choose a device with a nominal noise level of up to 25 dB, and if you are going to use the humidifier only during the day, then a device with a declared noise level of up to 50 dB is enough.choosing the right humidifier

Additional functions

Not bad if the humidifier has a built-in hygrometer and hydrostat, which measure the level of humidity in the room and automatically turn off the humidifier when the set point is reached, respectively. If you want to purify and aromatize the air, pay attention to devices with an ozonizer or an ionizer and an aroma diffuser. It is better if there is a timer, child protection and the ability to adjust the direction of humidification since such devices are easier to customize to your needs and requests.

As a result, if we talk about the average user, an ultrasonic humidifier with a capacity of 300 ml/h, a reservoir capacity of up to 4 litres and a noise level of up to 50 dB will be the best choice. Ideally, with a hygrometer and a hydrostat, in order to maintain optimal humidity in the room without any extra effort on your part.

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