How Much RAM Does a Smartphone Need in 2023?

In recent years, the amount of RAM in smartphones has grown significantly. Yes, nowadays you can still find devices with 1 GB of RAM, but this is already a throwback. On the other hand, some elite copies can be equipped with 16 GB of RAM. So how much RAM does a phone need to run properly?

System memory is essentially storage that temporarily holds data that applications and processes need to run smoothly. Its volume is strictly limited, while some games, for example, require up to 1.5 GB of free space. It’s like a small kitchen table – you can only process a certain amount of food on it at a time. If you dump them all at once, then complete confusion will begin.

In our opinion, 4 GB of RAM is enough to run several games and applications of medium size, as well as to keep the operating system running normally. If the memory runs out, then the last opened applications will be sent to the archive (zRAM). When restarted, backup copies of applications will be promptly removed from storage and unpacked. However, the archive also sometimes runs out of storage space.

6 GB is considered the minimum amount for stable system operation at the moment. You can safely run 5 or 6 applications and a couple of toys at the same time – a smartphone should easily cope with such a load.

With 8 GB, you will already be able to keep several windows open, and with 12 GB, you will no longer have any problems at all. We will not talk about 16 GB – this option is only suitable for avid gamers.what is the right amount of RAM for a smartphone

4 GB RAM is the best minimum option

Thus, we believe that 4 GB of RAM is quite enough for more affordable smartphones. For the middle price category, it is better to use 6-8 GB, and for flagships, you need to have at least 12 GB of RAM.

Read Also: Why You Should Not Take a Smartphone With 1 or 2 GB of RAM

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