Dropbox Alternatives: 6 Reliable and Safe Providers

Dropbox grew up with the concept: Store data securely in the cloud and have worldwide access to it at any time. There are a lot of alternative providers who are in no way inferior to Dropbox, or who even surpass the storage. This includes free online storage but also paid Dropbox alternatives.

Dropbox has made the concept of cloud storage known to companies and private individuals in particular. Cloud storage offers users the possibility to save data on a secure server and receive it from any point on Earth. If all important data such for example, if documents, pictures, or videos are backed up in the cloud, it does not matter if the notebook was left at home. If you have access to the internet, you can log in at any time and view your saved documents or other files. It is doesn’t matter whether you log in from your own computer or another device, such as your smartphone. Dropbox is one of the best-known providers of online storage. But there are also a few other providers that make good Dropbox alternatives. They include:

Google Drive

Currently, more than 240 million people around the world use Google Drive. Particularly interesting is the cloud service designed for group work where documents can be edited by different people who have access. Using Google Drive, you can create images and forms directly in the browser, manage, edit and share with other users. This makes it ideal as a Dropbox alternative.Dropbox alternatives storage

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft is Google’s biggest competitor. Just like with Google Drive, with OneDrive you can create, manage and edit documents directly in the browser. Microsoft also provides OneDrive free apps on iOS, Mac OS, Android, or Windows Phone. The offer is therefore also suitable as a Dropbox alternative. You can look at Microsoft OneDrive home and business packages to choose one that meets your requirements.


Another Dropbox alternative is the cloud service box. It was founded in Washington/USA in 2005. Box is aimed more at businesses and has many functions like project management, the automation of various tasks, and Document Management. This means that the functions of Box can be more suitable for business customers than Dropbox, perhaps. Third-party software from NetSuite, Google, or Salesforce can also be integrated into the box.


The provider pCloud follows a slightly different approach than other providers such as Dropbox. As a user, you can determine which data to encrypt and which one to store unencrypted. Unencrypted data has the advantage that certain applications can work better with it. This enables preview images to be generated or video files to be played directly from the cloud.

But when it comes to encryption, pCloud also offers something that is rarely seen: the provider has started a 6-month competition to prove the security of the Dropbox alternative’s encryption. Who can crack pCloud for a huge $ 100,000 prize pool? The answer: none of the more than 2,500 participants made it.


When it comes to securing personal data, SpiderOak is the tool for many when it comes to a suitable Dropbox alternative. Here the data is already transmitted in encrypted form so that SpiderOak can never see the data of its customers. This offers your data a high level of security. SpiderOak is available as apps for Windows, OS X, Linux, IOS, and Android.

Depending on the size of the company, SpiderOak offers different packages. Here the prices of this Dropbox alternative vary between six dollars per month for 150 gigabytes and 29 dollars per month for 5 terabytes. The storage space is unlimited in the business variants.


Sync is a cloud storage provider from Canada. In terms of its functions and its operation, it is one of the best Dropbox alternatives, as these are very similar to those of Dropbox. The difference here, however, is the full encryption of all data you upload to the cloud. These are encrypted as part of a zero-knowledge architecture, which means that you can only gain access to your data with the password. Thus, the zero-knowledge architecture only comes into effect when your password recovery is deactivated. It is up to you whether you activate this function.

The prices vary here depending on the storage size. For five dollars a month you get 1 terabyte of storage space per user; if you pay 15 dollars, you get 15 dollars of storage space.

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