Top 7 Content With the Best Click-through Rate on the Internet

On the web, content is king. Its quality is also one of the relevance criteria that Google takes into account to classify web pages in its SERPs. However, not all web content has the same value in the eyes of Internet users. Some are naturally more popular than others and attract more people. To assist you in setting up your inbound marketing strategy , I suggest you discover in this guide the content that obtains the best click-through rates on the Internet.

The top list of the most clicked content on the web

Discover the 7 types of content that get the highest click-through rate on the Internet. A good way to get inspired for your own content and get more traffic to your website.

1. Items in lists

Content in the form of an enumeration is very popular with Internet users for several reasons. First of all, they have a fairly simple structure . This makes them very easy to read. Just by reading the title of these articles (for example: 5 essential SEO tools for beginners), Internet users already know what it will be about in development. They also have an idea of ​​how the text will look.

In addition, content in the form of lists allows readers to quickly estimate the time required to read it in its entirety.

In addition, it is a type of content that is particularly fond of inbound marketing experts, because it is often easy to write and most of the time covers interesting topics.

2. Articles reporting on a discussion with a specialist

Articles based on the question-and-answer mode (with a specialist) are popular with Internet users. These are articles that provide readers with real information and arouse their curiosity. Indeed, the analyzes, advice and recommendations of an expert have more value than those of a neophyte. Internet users feel reassured when reading this information, because its source is reliable.

This is why I advise you to often seek the advice of resource persons in your sector on certain interesting topics . Target the experts who are open to sharing experience and send them by email (in a courteous manner) a list of questions relating to the theme you have chosen. Hopefully, most of them will respond positively to you.

3. Practical guides

The objective of practical guides is to inform readers about a product, a service or a given topic in a simple and effective way. For Internet users, this is content with very high added value since it allows them to:

  • Master the operation of a device or software;
  • The guide of the freelance community manager ;
  • Solve problems ;
  • Perform technical manipulations;
  • Making tools …

The practical guides generally cover subjects such as: how to make an anti-lime solution yourself? How to optimize your website? 4 methods to improve your leadership!

By producing this type of content, you will establish yourself as a benchmark in your industry. Internet users will greatly appreciate your generosity and your audience will grow exponentially.

4. E-books

E-books are digital books produced in PDF format. They are often downloadable for free on condition that the Internet user subscribes to a mailing list. Relatively large and very rich, this type of content has the advantage of consolidating your authority a little more in your field. It’s a great way to share your experiences and knowledge with your audience .

But since e-books are now widespread, it is important that you be original if you want to truly impact your readers. Keep in mind that when a web user clicks on an e-book, they expect content that is qualitative, detailed, and enjoyable to read . To put the odds on your side, you must make an effort on these different content

5. Articles that give an example of a success story

Human beings often admire the success of their fellow human beings. This is the main reason why content that highlights personal success is on the rise.

By reading the story of a successful person, the internet user is not only impressed, but they also pick up elements in the story that can help them surpass themselves to reach their full potential.

In this sense, you can write content that traces the history of your business . Highlight the rookie mistakes you may have made, the means you used to impose yourself and the results you ultimately achieved … It is also possible to target third parties who have had tremendous success in your industry.

6. Content that expresses your opinion on a popular topic

Opinion content is an article marked by a clear stance on a topic that is causing the buzz, a problem or a fact that gives rise to a lot of debate.

When the opinion expressed stands out for its daring aspect (straightforward), it can attract the attention of Internet users. They will also not fail to share it on their various social networks to make it viral. Writing this type of article requires an effort of originality and great subtlety.

7. Articles that provide information on innovations in a sector

Producing content that covers the news in your industry is a great way to consistently drive traffic to your site. This type of article can focus on the evolution of the legislation in your field, on public events of high interest or on the evolution of the market in general.

You can also write news-type articles to let the general public know about updates on the products and services you offer.

If you choose to specialize in publishing this type of content, you must have a strategy in place for your articles to be visible in the Google News tab.

What to remember from the most clicked content on the web?

Internet users particularly appreciate articles that provide them with added value. Thus, the contents of the practical guide type, enumeration lists, e-book or news and question-answer are among the most popular today.

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